Forest Chapel United Methodist Church
The church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today.
We believe that the mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We believe that the church is “the communion of saints,” a community made up of all past, present, and future disciples of Christ.
We believe that the church is called to worship God and to support those who participate in its life as they grow in faith.

What does that mean to Love God with all your heart, soul and mind?
Just like anyone else that would be important to you, it requires building a relationship with that person through time and effort. God expects the same.
In the 1700's, John Wesley, founder of Methodism, said we need to continuously dive deeper into our faith. Our Christian walk is a life long journey and we are constantly learning more and developing our love of God by being "intentional in our faith development." Thus, we have Intentional Faith Development at Forest Chapel. This is where we form study groups to learn from each other and to strengthen our faith.